And yet Hannah remembers stuff no human being on Earth other than Sheldon Cooper would or could. Andrea doesn’t know what a quick bread is. They’ve NEVER heard of baked donuts or baked oatmeal. You will get PAGES of angel food cupcake recipes. For a cake, yes, but since cupcakes are … wait for it … little, individual cakes they will bake just fine. She said there was no such thing as an angel food cupcake because you have to have a tube pan. And then the bakery expert was just wrong, wrong, wrong. I almost quit reading right then and there. She tells him then he is bound to like German chocolate cupcakes “since cupcakes are little, individual cakes.” Did you see what just happened? She. Ross tells Hannah she made a great chocolate cake when they were in college. When they are in Vegas, they are talking about German chocolate cupcakes.

I think her intended audience is newcomers from the planet Venus who have no education in our earthly ways. Because we readers are all total idiots, we still have to have EVERYTHING explained to us. I tend to agree with the reviews that smell a ghostwriter, but he or she must be a superfan because although Hannah’s romantic character was completely OUT of character, a lot of the same old, same old is totally present.