To teach the Gods (and her) a lesson, they snuck in and released all the evil demons imprisoned in that very box. Male “guardians” to the Greek Gods were bein’ all pouty once, when they found out that a female Guardian ( *gasp* the horror!!) “Pandora”, was left in charge of protecting a certain demon-holding box. Many of you already know all about the series, so you all can laugh at my “newbie-ness” (but please so do so in the comments so I can giggle, too), and for those of you who are new to the series too, let’s read it together!! I must like to punish myself when I insist he understand that “it’s not as bad as it sounds”! I swear it makes me giggle how much he rolls his eyes when I tell him all the good parts. Why do I keep telling him these stories? It’s not like he’s gonna *like* ’em, like I do. You know when I feel the need to tell her about it, even though I should be working instead… it was good! Oh, and my husband got a dose of it too. I have a fun ride ahead of me don’t I?Īnd Lily did get my enthusiastic “quick version” story recount. I have a feeling this series (yes, I’m only on book one so I may be jumping the gun here) will end up on my top ten paranormals list. I had a feeling, once I started, I’d probably be enthusiastically in for the long haul, but I waited. Why have I delayed this long? I honestly don’t know. I will say, THIS series has probably been the one most recommended to me, since I’ve started reading the genre. Tee hee! Appalled, are you? And titillated too, I bet! He gets worse (even tells her to behave herself). “Well, that moment of insanity sealed your fate, woman. Her fingers were intertwined, the knuckles white. “A moment of insanity,” she whispered, looking down at her hands. “Last night I told you to return to the city. He stepped closer, placing them nose to nose as he had in the forest. Let’s go with that 😉Īnother pause, heavier than before. Hey! What?! *blush* I’m making excuses for this guy? I suppose I have a need to explain and rationalize my reason for crushing on this “hero” so badly (cause really, I should have wanted to kick him you know where!) I mean, I found myself frequently appalled and yet completely… *ahem* smitten. Hundreds of years (thousands?) spent in torture, with out love will do that to a guy. What is the difference between a bossy guy that makes you growl with anger and a bossy guy that makes you purr? Well… the purr-inducer is a paranormal hottie that doesn’t know any better. He doesn’t “get” us modern women and he just can’t help his bossiness. MARYSE’S SURPRISE FROM HER FAVORITE BOOK BOYFRIEND’S.ALL MY REVIEWS (ALPHABETICAL BY AUTHOR).