I enjoyed the addition of Xylda the psychic and grandson Manfred, and I wonder if Manfred will continue to make appearances in future books, especially since he picked up on the change in Harper and Tolliver's relationship. It bothered me that she seemed so emotionally dependent on Tolliver, especially in the first book of the series.

Harper finds Jeff - and the corpses of seven more teen boys. Harper has been hired to find a woman's missing grandson, Jeff. I think Harper exerted more independence in this book than she did in the first two books of the series. An Ice Cold Grave is the third book in Charlaine Harris' Harper Connelly series. (Obviously, I'm hoping there are several more books in the Harper Connelly series.)

I was most suprised in the change in the dynamics of the relationship between Harper and Tolliver I picked up on it earlier than it happened in this book, but I'm intrigued that it happened this early in the series. What an interesting installment in the series! I enjoyed the western North Carolina setting, and the serial kidnapper/killer thing was pretty different from the story lines in Grave Surprise and Grave Sight.